


※ I made it at the translation site。 I am sorry if there is a funny place※

Genre puzzle game
platform Android
Application release date 2017年


Highly flexible Fall puzzle game。

Make your favorite shape yourself, fit in, erase quickly and dive below!

Each time you tap on the screen, the block stretches!

Exercise true ability! What shape should I take?


The destination is deep sea 6500 M 。

To the darkness where the light does not reach,

Marine Snow stretched out as it pours down and erased and moved forward !

I can also meet various deep-sea fish ! 66 species of fish in all ! How many can I meet? ?

A large chain of screen crumbling in one block !

Rare excitement with rare degree MAX fish GET !!

Experience the taste !DEEP DIVE!

  START :  Start game

  ALBUM :  List of fish GET




   The remaining number is displayed

   in the block


   It will increase as you discover

   fish silhouettes and fish  

  ※ The silhouette is a discovery notice


   Fish discovery !!

   Clear screen, depth and list

   of fish found

   Find up to 9 in one play !



→ point ?

It is difficult to chain when making blocks in the same shape as the hole shape

Lengthen it partially, or make it a bigger block, it falls down and a big chain !? I might as well


→ bonus

I made an endless mode for those who did it 。 Appear under certain conditions 。

It's just a silent mode 。


※ Although it is modeling and movement of fish, there are cases where there are few materials,

  and facts may be different for production 。

※ About habitat area and GET area 。 There is a difference when adjusting the balance of the game 。

※ Please acknowledge the above assumption on the game 。


Reference site, references 。 Thank you 。

「深海世界」 パイインターナショナル / 編集協力:新江ノ島水族館 (その他)
「深海生物大事典」 成美堂出版 / 佐藤 孝子 (著)
「深海生物最驚図鑑 海中のはるか深くに棲む怪しいヤツら110体以上!」  永岡書店 /  新宅 広二/監修
「深海生物―ゆかいでヘンテコないきもの」  笠倉出版社 / 石垣 幸二
「深海生物ファイル―あなたの知らない暗黒世界の住人たち」 ネコ・パブリッシング / 北村 雄一/著